11 hours and 21 minutes
My name is Martin and during the height of pandemic in New York City I was spending an
average of 11 hours and 21 minutes on screen every day. After New York City lockdown,
caused by COVID-19 spread, vast majority of my social interactions moved online. Most used
apps included FaceTime, WhatsApp and Signal.
During this period of isolation, I made images of my friends and family, located in
Poland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York. By capturing
screenshots and recording audio I want to see how a personal relationship can be maintained
without physical interaction.
11 hours and 21 minutes is an interactive website, where each image can be clicked to hear my friends’ and relatives’ answers to two questions.
Who are you?
What has changed?
special thanks to Per Gylfe and Julia Gajewska
website design by Kuba Lewandowski and Martin Czajkowski